An engineer by training, I started my career as a software professional. I got fascinated with early childhood education when I started teaching music to young children as a hobby in 2007. The ability to groom young minds led me to explore various opportunities in child enrichment, which helped me gain a good understanding of the current elementary education system and its areas for improvement. With the knowledge and education I had gained over the last 10+ years, I combined my engineering and teaching skills to become an advocate for STEM in early childhood education and inspire young minds to chase STEM related careers.
During these years, I also got the opportunity to attend the Incredible Years Program - an evidence based program for parents, children and teachers that focuses on addressing and treating young children's behavior problems and promoting their social, emotional and academic competence. Growing levels of stress and anxiety across the world, especially after the start of COVID pandemic led me to help other parents through my learnings and experience.
In my current role as a Transformational Parenting Coach, I help parents in keeping their own emotional and mental health in check so they can create a well-rounded healthy lifestyle. I provide parents with the tools, strategies and support to adapt their parenting skills to today's needs in raising confident, resilient and compassionate kids.